Our inspiration:
Our inspiration is the art of science, the joy of discovery, and the desire to gather knowledge. If you are seeking an exciting education, an interesting thesis topic, or an innovative research project then you have all the reason to contact the laser physics group. Besides being involved in fundamental science you also have various opportunities to become engaged in projects which benefit the economy and the society.
Our group:
We are a team of junior and senior researchers focusing on different aspects of optics, from quantum optics to ultrafast science. Also, we are very happy to host a SNSF Eccellenza Assistant Professor (Alexander Heidt) in the area of fiber lasers and nonlinear optics.
Our research:
Since 2010 we are co-leading house of the NCCR MUST (Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology) and as such we have a strong focus on ultrafast science and technology. Specifically, our research interests are:
- Novel optical fibers
- Femtosecond, picosecond, and frequency stabilized fiber laser systems
- Quantum optics
- Ultrafast NIR/VIS/UV spectroscopy (transient absorption, time-resolve Raman, 2D)
- Nonlinear THz science
- THz plasmonics and THz applications in advanced accelerator phyiscs